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ANC-300 Microphone

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Dual Function Hand-Held Computer Microphone


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  1. Plug the pink microphone jack (indicated by a microphone  icon) into the “mic in” port.
    Microphone Operating Instructions:
    • The ANC-300 can be used as either a Desktop Microphone or a Hand Held Microphone.
    • To use the ANC-300 in the Desktop mode, place the ANC-300 in its base, and set the selector switch to the Desktop mode.
    • To use the ANC-300 in the Hand Held mode, remove the ANC-300 from its base, and set the selector switch to the Hand Held mode. Hold the ANC-300 so that the microphone is approximately 3/4″ in front of your mouth and speak naturally.

Product Manual

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System Requirements

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Compatible with:
Apple Macintosh OS X 10.5 and up
Google Chrome
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10 and up
Most portable audio devices

The ANC-300 is compatible with standard PC sound cards that have separate 3.5mm microphone and headphone ports. The C-100 analog adapter, USB-SA, USB-MA or USB-UNIV Digital audio adapters may be used for USB connectivity or if the machine has only one shared audio port.

Product Specifications

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